Monday, May 27, 2013


One day I decided to stop using the word 'why' - as in "Why would someone do, or not do, that?". It only frustrated me, regularly. Then I started using the word 'how' - as in "How can I help in this situation?". It feels much better, constantly.

On a daily basis I see a lot of preventable problems with swimming pools. This blog is dedicated to showing examples of some of these issues, analyzing the cause and coming up with ways to avoid them. I will be taking pictures and explaining what I found, and did, on site.

This is not a place for you to 'school' me or for me to 'school' you. It is intended to be a place to share our experience, knowledge, ideas, techniques, tricks, industry standards, government regulations and manufacturer requirements and discuss the ways we can manage all of them, consistently.

Some items discussed will be of (what I perceive as) design issues, some things may be build issues, and some things will be maintenance issues. All "issues" will be presented as my opinion and will be discussed in a way that may not always be comfortable to manufacturers, builders, owner/operators or maintenance technicians.

I have a favorite quote "Don't hold strong opinions about things you don't understand" - Unknown

Well... I'm 45 this year and my dad made sure I started learning (and teaching) swimming pool and spa installation, maintenance and repair when I was very very young (~5 years old - really), so I understand the vast majority of it now. I will state upfront, right now, that I have strong opinions about a lot of these items and will be expressing them clearly, with respect. It may be difficult to contain my frustration with the people who have come before me because, sometimes, it seems that I am the only one that cares about the end user.

I don't know it all, and neither do you, so feel free to share what you know or ask questions if you have some. Please comment with respect.

So, let's get on with it!

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